July 24, 2010


So it's probably pointless to announce a hiatus when I have no followers, but I'm taking a little time to enjoy the rest of my summer. Only one month left until I go to college at UNC Chapel HiAdd Imagell and I'm trying to soak up my last days at home and with friends. The next time I post I'll be a college student and maybe I'll start posting actual outfits!

July 12, 2010

cat woman

Sunglasses- Hallelu Boutique

Having so much fun playing around with my new mac! These sunglasses were my solitary find from my week at the beach. I know I've found a gem when the first thing out of my dad's mouth is "Those things are ridiculous Alexandra!"... but with two older brothers I've learned to shrug off that sort of thing. :) Hallelu is such a cute boutique, check out their blog here.


Source: fashiongonerogue

A little late on this but I love Atlanta de Cadenet, such a beautiful girl. If you've ever googled her you can tell that this is a girl who loves to have fun. The best part about it is she loves to have fun with fashion. Even when she's in clubs or out for drinks she always has something funky or quirky on her outfit. Such a beautiful girl and definitely a good reminder to stay spontaneous and light when dealing with style.

July 9, 2010

sweet song

Aimee Song is so cute!! She is so sweet and has impeccible style. I love that fashion is only one of her talents, I bet she does amazing work in architecture. I dare you to watch this video without falling in love with her.

short story

Sources: Google Images, Stockholm Streetstyle
If there are two things I have been searching desperately for this summer it's scalloped shorts and leather shorts. Both high waisted of course! I think the leather shorts are so edgy and I love how Miss Whitney paired them with a cropped knitted top. I would love to pair them with a lace cropped top and some wedges or clogs. The scalloped shorts are so feminine and girly, there were a great pair at Urban Outfitters that I never got around to purchasing... wonder if they're still on sale. I've been at the beach all week mostly living in a bikini. The shopping has been a bit of a dud but I've bought some fabulous new sunglasses that more than make up for my striking out. Pictures to come later on my brand new Mac! So excited though I'm trying not to abuse iPhoto too much.

July 5, 2010